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What is with the feminine and masculine homosexual pairings?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2025 11:19 am
by Valknor
So you got this short and weak feminized man who might not even be 130 pounds, paired up with this burly 200+ pound fag who looks like a lumber jack. Now I can understand the weak low testoterone beta male in this pairing, with his long hair, makeup and earrings. He can't hack it as a man, so he wants to take the easy way out, like a prison punk. So naturally he gravitates toward a strong alpha male type to provide for and protect him. But what I can't understand is the masculine one in the pair. It seems his preference would either be for a real woman instead of this pathetic imitation, or if he's really attracted to men, then a man with masculine qualities like himself. So why does the masculine one in this pairing go for some weak little femboy?

Then you got the lesbian couple, with the petite feminine one, and the thick bull dyke. From a hormonal perspective I can't figure out what's wrong with the feminine one. It seems her estrogen levels would be fine, so she ought to be attracted to real men. Was she sexually abused by one, so now she's only comfortable around females? If so, why does she gravitate toward the masculine bull dyke, which pretends to be a man? What about the bull dyke? Apparently she doesn't want no man to dominate her, so she seeks out a submissive female to rule over.

And while we are on the subject, why do trannies get thrown into the homosexual movement? Take Ellen Page for example. She was married, and after having her breasts removed and "transitioning", she divorced Emma Portner because Pornter was a Lesbian. So homo's, why do you include transgender nutcases in your movement? What the hell does having your genitals mutilated have to do with sex? Any faggots or trannies want to weigh in on this stuff? As a straight white male I'm bewildered.