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FBI goes full STASI

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:57 am
by Valknor
It's official, the FBI has finally revealed itself to be an enemy of the American people.

The lengthy list of behavior they want citizens to be on alert for include:
  • 26 Employing new or increased use of concealment
    behavior (e.g., counter-surveillance techniques, encrypted
    media apps/software platforms, disposable “burner”
    Observable by family, peers, educators, law enforcement
    Near-Term Concern
  • 27 Deleting or manipulating social media or other online
    accounts to misrepresent location or hide group
    membership, contacts, or activities in support of violent
    Observable by family, peers, law enforcement,
    online contacts
    Near-Term Concern
So, if you're concerned about your privacy, you may be on a FBI watchlist. If you where disgusted with big tech's censorship of your fellow citizens, and deleted one of your accounts in protest- you are also behaving suspiciously according to the regime.

Also, here's a pretty good write up about this madness.

EDIT: Ben Garrison has a great cartoon and article on this madness which I think folks would enjoy.

Re: FBI goes full STASI

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:58 pm
by Valknor
And here's even more fun info on these scumbags who pretend to protect us. If it ever came down to an honest vote, I doubt the FBI would be able to justify its existence to the American people. There was a time when they actually protected this nation from foreign and domestic threats. Today it seems they mostly bully people around and entrap them.