Is death the end?

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Re: Is death the end?

Post by SfcoAwol »

From what I've heard allot of people believe that genesis was written by Moses and where they think that comes from was when you read the account of when Moses went on the mount and was given the ten commandments that God showing him the past events, I think they are getting at specifically when God allowed him to see his back side they believe he was shown the past, but its not specifically stated that way.

I would be careful saying all sects are good as some can really go nuts (like dancing around and speaking in tongues) and those groups can get very "cultish". but I wouldn't throw a group out just cause a they don't line up perfectly with your views especially if its a minor thing.

I would say personally my views line up closest to being a "Baptist" not to be confused with Southern Baptist they get a little crazy, but like I said we don't see eye to eye in every area but its not nothing I cant just agree to disagree and move on with, like they tend to think any music with a "backbeat" is bad, where I don't think any music is really bad unless it makes you think bad thoughts or puts you in a bad state of mind (things like depression can definitely be aided by music).
they would also say smoking is bad because its an addiction and bad for your body, if you asked them to prove that from the bible they will just point you to the verse saying "your body is a temple" which I would reply well then stop eating sugar. but I already know they wouldn't agree with me and I don't agree with them so I don't make it an issue since its not that important anyways. I hope I'm getting my thoughts across, I'm terrible at conveying them sometimes.

I guess if they have the the basic understanding of salvation then its enough to get you into heaven but if you want to actually grow in your understanding of God then you might want to be more picky of which one you call home. if that makes sense?
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Re: Is death the end?

Post by Valknor »

Interesting take on Genesis.

I'll agree that music can have the power to heal as well as to harm. Interestingly enough playing the blues tends to help me when I'm feeling depressed. There's even a joke that you can't stay blue while singing the blues.

Addiction in general is bad, and that isn't limited to physical substances. People can become addicted to television, video games, gambling, etc- all end up being self-destructive in some way or another when done to excess. I've long struggled to push aside distractions, and get things done. When I start playing a new video game, or reading an interesting book, I often have trouble managing how much time I spend a day on that, vs productive things like coding, making models, or working on a server. I did find that it helps to balance physical and mental things, so I often go on walks to get away from everything else and clear my mind.

I think I understand what you're saying.

Say, what's your take on the resurrection story? I got through the book of Luke, and I've noticed some things differ a lot between authors. For starters there's the tomb. Matthew 28 has an earthquate, and an angel descending from heaven who rolls back the stone. Mark 16 has the stone already rolled back when Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome come to the tomb, and there is an angel sitting inside. In Luke 24, two angels appear to them near the tomb. In John 20 there is no mention of angels at all being near the tomb.
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Re: Is death the end?

Post by Valknor »

I don't know how I missed it, but John does actually mention two angels in John 20:12.

So, that's two disciples who say there where two angles, and two who say there was one.
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Re: Is death the end?

Post by SfcoAwol »

well in the case of the stone I believe both accounts are correct as when the angel rolled away the stone it does not state that the women were there yet it just says that the guards were afraid, as for the rest it is kind of allot to decipher in detail as some of the writers are vague in certain area's, this page when I did a quick search on it does a decent job of trying to make sense of it, ... ounts.html
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Re: Is death the end?

Post by Valknor »

Thanks for the link.

I went to a church for the first time in ten years last week. It was a Pentecostal Church a friend invited me to. I was expecting wooden pews, people speaking in tongues, and rolling on the ground. Instead we had comfortable chairs, friendly people, and good music, at least by church standards. My friend was one of the musicians, and he played the electric guitar, while the pastor's daughter played the keyboard and sang. I don't know if the church experience is right for me, but it wasn't terribly uncomfortable.

I'm invited to a picnic they are throwing this Sunday. I'm not sure if I'll attend or not. I do feel a little uncomfortable eating their food when I don't share their faith, so I'd probably end up making a fairly large dish to bring. They do seem to be nice people though.
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Re: Is death the end?

Post by SfcoAwol »

hey everyone starts somewhere, I'm glad it wasn't a bad experience for you! I'll be honest in saying I wouldn't worry about feeling weird about going to picnic, allot of times they do that to fellowship with other people in the church and connecting with people that are interested in the church, most times its hard to stay connected or connecting with people in the short 5min conversations that happen at church and its just a way of spending time together outside of Sunday morning services.
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Re: Is death the end?

Post by Valknor »

Well, I didn't go to the picnic. It was hot and muggy, and I hadn't slept well on two days. I figured I'd be hot, tired, and fairly anti-social. Maybe I'll go to the next one.
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