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Could Pride Month end already?

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:58 pm
by Valknor
It seems every day I'm getting bombarded by emails from companies telling me what I can do to support the LGBTQ+ community. Just a few minutes ago I got one from Rocket Lawyer- unsubscribed. Do these people have a clue how much outrage and indignation there would be if corporations prattled on for an entire month how much they love the heterosexual community? Why are our corporate masters obsessed with shoving people's sexuality down our throats? Could it be that this is just another way for them to divide their worker drones against each-other, so they never organize unions or other working class movements that advocate for workers interests? Or do they truly believe that if a mentally disturbed man or woman have their genitals mutilated by "doctors", they can become members of the opposite sex?

As for regular homosexuals, I thought they where generally accepted by society a generation ago. I live in a small, very conservative town, and we have openly homosexual gay and lesbian couples everywhere- I've never heard them complain about discrimination or these supposed boogiemen who are out to harm them for their sexual deviancy. So if this mass discrimination and violent persecution doesn't exist in a Republican stronghold, where exactly is it happening? And what the hell do people suffering from gender dysphoria have to do with homosexuality anyway? Why has the "Pride" movement included them? Shouldn't they be their own thing, instead of co-opting other people's organizations?