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Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:27 pm
by Valknor

Re: Thoughtcrime?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 11:44 pm
by SfcoAwol
Good reason not to use modern social media. They are studying and classifying us as they seem fit for their agenda

Re: Thoughtcrime?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:09 pm
by Valknor
I think they already have me pegged for a "domestic terrorist". According to the regime, if you're a straight white male who's proud of your ancestors accomplishments, you're an enemy of the state, and a threat to "our multi-racial democracy". Funny how everyone else is encouraged to be proud of their people though. It's almost as if the people who own this country have grown tired of their European stock of worker drones, and want to replace them with other models. I have no doubt that if we are removed from the equation, the other wage slaves will be kept at each-other's throats while the masters exploit them in every conceivable way. Unfortunately said slaves don't seem to realize they are in the same boat as us, and will one day be vilified and disposed of in much the same manner as we Europeans are now.